Expand the Living Wage to the County!



The City of Santa Fe has one of the highest minimum wages in the country. It has helped countless working people during these hard economic times.  But the benefits of this law stop at the sporadic city limit lines.  Our familias in the county should not have to work full time and still live in poverty!

Chainbreaker is supporting the United Workers Center, Northern New Mexico Central Labor Council and other Labor allies to mobilize support for an expansion that would benefit thousands of people in Santa Fe County.

More and more working people are moving to distant areas of Santa Fe County because they can no longer afford to live in central Santa Fe neighborhoods. Often times, people commute long distances because they know that the Living Wage law in Santa Fe will insure a more just wage in the city.

Long commutes by car hurt our environment and trap people in a cycle of poverty.  Many of our members report spending as much as 1/3 of their income on transportation costs alone.  It’s time to expand the Santa Fe Living Wage of $10.51 to the County!


How you can help:

  • Fill out the Online Petition
  • Print copies of the paper petition for your co-workers, friends and family members.
  • Sign up to door knock, phone bank and collect more signatures.

Call Alma at the United Workers Center at 505-983-6847 to volunteer.