What’s in store for 2014



Chainbreaker members lead every aspect of our work.  This year, we deepened our commitment to real, grassroots democracy when our members voted to ratify a public platform that will guide all our work for 2014.  It reflects the needs and wants of our members, our friends and families.  It was created through countless conversations with members, allies, friends and community members.  We rode buses and knocked on doors.  We talked to bus riders, bicyclists, people struggling with transportation and housing issues at meetings, events and out in the streets. Through this process, several Chainbreaker leaders developed the platform over the last several months and in December of 2013, we made a call for members to vote.  Not all members voted, but those that did, showed overwhelming support, creating a clear mandate.  If you are a member and didn’t get the chance to vote, rest assured that your input was collected at some point in the creation of this platform and it is never too late to weigh in.

But these goals are highly ambitious. Now it is time to get to work and make them real! 

2014 will be a year of growth, with new struggles and old adversaries.  We will be facing a new threats of service cuts to our buses this year.  We will also officially start working to address the housing and urban planning issues that are often times at the root of transportation injustice.  If you are not yet a member, now is the time to get involved.  If you are already a member, now is the time to up the ante. Make it your resolution to get more active in the fight for social, economic and environmental justice in Santa Fe!

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